After a lot of consideration and searching, you finally have that hot tub you've been dreaming of! Now, it is time to figure out how you will use it properly and preserve its quality over time.
Owning a hot tub comes with a little bit of a learning curve. If you are a first-time user, or you’re deciding whether or not to purchase a hot tub, you need to know the basics.
1. Read Your Hot Tub Manual
Your hot tub manual is provided for a reason. It is important to familiarize yourself with the basic parts of your tub and how the filtering and heating modes work. Reading the owner's manual will help you better understand your new hot tub's features. You may also want to know your hot tub's serial number for after-sales services.
2. Test Your Water
Contaminated hot tub water is not water you want to soak in, so it’s vital to test your water for contamination. The easiest way to test your hot tub’s water is through a test strip. It will tell you the pH and total alkalinity level of your water.
How Frequently Do I Need To Test the Water?
The frequency of testing your water depends on the water care system you are using warm water requires regular sanitizing — especially when using a chemical like chlorine.
3. Regular Maintenance
We highly suggest that you provide regular maintenance for your hot tub. If you consistently use your hot tub, it will often require thorough cleaning. If you’re worried about the time that hot tub maintenance takes up, don’t worry! You can always call on our professionals at Spring Dance Hot Tubs for full-service repairs and maintenance!
4. Circulate the Water
Circulating the water in a hot tub helps to trap errant particles that may be in the water. It also helps propel sanitizing products like chlorine and bromine through the tub to keep the chemical balance of the water consistent and safe.
5. Set the Right Temperature
The ideal hot tub temperature varies on the preference of the person using it. Most people prefer the temperature to range from 100-102ºF. Setting the hot tub temperature over 104ºF is considered to be potentially harmful.
Have a Splash!
Owning a hot tub is a little daunting at first. The different features and operating guidelines can seem overwhelming, but the reward of spoiling yourself with a luxurious spa is worth it! Luckily, we have the best tips and tricks to make hot tub buying and owning a breeze! If you are still on the look for a great hot tub store in Marlton, contact us now!