Sirona Activate Granular Oxidizer 5 lbs

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Sirona™ Activate Granular is an efficient non-chlorine shock oxidizer that will quickly clear up cloudy spa water, while simultaneously ridding the water of unpleasant odors and contaminants. This shock oxidizer will eliminate odor causing ammonia and chloramines which results in refreshing and clean water for spa bathers to enjoy.
If you use granulated chlorine as your sanitizer, Sirona™ Activate Granular will also help the chlorine sanitizer in your hot tub work more efficiently and effectively.
If you use bromine as your sanitizer, Sirona™ Activate Granular will help to regenerate the bromine sanitizer in your hot tub.
Sirona™ Activate Granular is not a disinfectant, and will still require chlorine, bromine or other sanitizers to properly sanitize the water.
Size: 5 lbs.
Sirona™ Activate Granular is compatible with silver ion/granulated chlorine systems, bromine tabs/floater systems and ozone.
NOT for use in biguanide (Baqua Spa and Sirona Simply) or FROG systems.