FROG @ease SmartChlor® Replacement Cartridge for Floating System - Swim Spas
Spa Frog

The FROG @ease Smartchlor® Replacement Cartridge works exclusively with the FROG @ease Floating Sanitizing System for Swim Spas. The SmartChlor® Cartridge lasts 3-4 weeks depending on swim spa size and use.
Each box contains (1) SmartChlor replacement cartridge.
You can find the FROG @ease Floating Sanitizing System for Swim Spas here.
The FROG Maintain® Oxidizer for Swim Spas can be found here.
Not sure how to maintain your hot tub on this system?
Download the @ease Floating Sanitizing System operating instructions here.
Download the Spring Dance Hot Tubs Water Care Sheet for this system here.